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Innovative Genetic Engineering to Combat Malaria: Oxitec’s Non-Biting GMO Mosquitoes Released in Djibouti

June 2, 2024
Preventing Malaria with Modified Mosquitoes

Tens of thousands of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitoes have been released in Djibouti to halt the spread of an invasive species that transmits malaria. This groundbreaking effort is part of the Djibouti Friendly Mosquito Program, initiated two years ago to combat the spread of Anopheles stephensi, a mosquito species first detected in the country in 2012.

The country was on the verge of eliminating malaria, with close to 30 malaria cases recorded at that time. However, malaria cases have risen exponentially to 73,000 by 2020. Anopheles stephensi is now present in six other African countries: Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana.

How effective do you think genetic engineering will be in combating malaria? Share your thoughts in the comments!

If successful, larger field trials and eventual operational deployment of the mosquitoes will continue until next year. The friendly non-biting male Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, developed by Oxitec, a UK-based biotechnology company, carry a gene that kills female offspring before they reach maturity. Only female mosquitoes bite and transmit malaria and other viral diseases.

Do you believe this innovative approach can significantly reduce malaria transmission? Why or why not?

It is the first time such mosquitoes have been released in East Africa and the second time on the continent. Similar technology has been successfully used in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama, and India, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than one billion such mosquitoes have been released around the world since 2019, according to the CDC.

What are your thoughts on the widespread release of genetically modified mosquitoes? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

The first batch of mosquitoes was released into the open air in Ambouli, a suburb of Djibouti city. This pilot phase is a partnership between Oxitec Ltd, Djibouti’s government, and Association Mutualis, an NGO. “We have built good mosquitoes that do not bite, that do not transmit disease. And when we release these friendly mosquitoes, they seek out and mate with wild-type female mosquitoes,” Oxitec head Grey Frandsen told the BBC.

How do you feel about the concept of ‘good mosquitoes’ being used to control disease? Let us know in the comments!

The laboratory-produced mosquitoes carry a “self-limiting” gene that prevents female mosquito offspring from surviving to adulthood. Only their male offspring survive but would eventually die out. Unlike the sterile male Anopheles colluzzi mosquitoes released in Burkina Faso in 2018, the friendly Stephensi mosquitoes can still have offspring.

What are your views on the self-limiting gene technology used in these mosquitoes? Could this be a sustainable solution?

Anopheles stephensi, originally from Asia, is challenging to control and has outsmarted traditional methods. It bites both during the day and at night and is resistant to chemical insecticides. Dr. Abdoulilah Ahmed Abdi, a presidential health adviser in Djibouti, told the Financial Times that the government’s objective was to “urgently reverse malaria transmission in Djibouti, which has spiked over the past decade.”

Given the adaptive nature of Anopheles stephensi, do you think genetically modified mosquitoes can effectively control its spread?

“Not long ago, malaria was extremely rare in our communities,” said Association Mutualis director Dr. Bouh Abdi Khaireh. “Now we see malaria patients suffer daily across Djibouti. There is an urgent need for new interventions.”

Due to Djibouti’s small size and predominantly urban population of slightly over a million people, it has been easy to roll out the new anti-malaria project, according to the organizers. “Malaria is a serious disease that really affects our health. People are really waiting to see how these friendly mosquitoes will help us win the fight,” Saada Ismael, a malaria survivor who participated in the community preparation, told the BBC.

Do you think the urban setting of Djibouti will aid in the successful implementation of this project? Why or why not?

Malaria kills more than 500,000 people in Africa each year. Genetically modified organisms have always been a controversial subject in Africa. Environmental groups and campaigners have warned of consequences to ecosystems and existing food chains. However, Mr. Frandsen from Oxitec says no adverse effects on environmental or human health have been documented over 10 years, during which the developer of biological solutions has released a billion modified mosquitoes.

“Our focus is ensuring that whatever we release in the environment is safe and highly effective. There is no environmental impact. They are non-toxic, non-allergenic, and species-specific,” he added. The genetically modified genes are not found in the mosquitoes’ saliva and according to Oxitec, even a person bitten by one will not be exposed to the effects of the genes.

What are your concerns regarding the environmental impact of genetically modified organisms? Do you find the assurances provided by Oxitec convincing?

“This new solution may be controversial but it is the future,” said presidential health adviser Dr. Abdi. If successful, larger field trials and eventual operational deployment of the mosquitoes will continue until next year in the country.

Defining Mosquitoes: Understanding the Tiny Insect with a Big Impact

Mosquitoes are small, fly-like insects belonging to the family Culicidae. Known for their long, slender bodies and distinctive buzzing sound, these insects have a significant impact on both human health and ecosystems. Here’s an in-depth look at mosquitoes and their role in the world:

What Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquito Anatomy: Mosquitoes typically have a slender body, long legs, and a pair of wings. Their bodies are divided into three sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head features two prominent compound eyes, a pair of antennae, and a proboscis, which females use to pierce the skin and suck blood.

Life Cycle: Mosquitoes undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Female mosquitoes lay eggs in or near water. The eggs hatch into larvae, which live in water and feed on organic matter. The larvae then transform into pupae before emerging as adult mosquitoes.

Types of Mosquitoes

There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes, but not all of them feed on blood. Only female mosquitoes require blood for egg development, while males typically feed on nectar and other plant juices.

Common Species:

  • Anopheles: Known for transmitting malaria.
  • Aedes: Responsible for spreading dengue fever, Zika virus, and chikungunya.
  • Culex: Known for transmitting West Nile virus.
  • Stephensi

Anopheles stephensi is a primary mosquito vector of malaria in urban India and is included in the same subgenus as Anopheles gambiae, the primary malaria vector in Africa

Mosquitoes and Disease

Mosquitoes are notorious for being vectors of many serious diseases. They transmit pathogens and parasites through their bites, leading to significant health issues worldwide.

Key Diseases:

  • Malaria: Caused by Plasmodium parasites, transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.
  • Dengue Fever: A viral infection spread by Aedes mosquitoes.
  • Zika Virus: Another virus spread by Aedes mosquitoes, linked to birth defects.
  • West Nile Virus: A virus transmitted by Culex mosquitoes, causing neurological disease.

Control and Prevention

Due to their role in spreading disease, controlling mosquito populations is crucial. Methods include:

  • Environmental Management: Eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed.
  • Chemical Control: Using insecticides and larvicides.
  • Biological Control: Introducing natural predators or genetically modified mosquitoes.
  • Personal Protection: Using insect repellent, bed nets, and protective clothing.

Genetic Engineering in Mosquito Control

Recently, genetic engineering has emerged as a promising method to control mosquito populations. Companies like Oxitec have developed genetically modified mosquitoes that carry genes to reduce mosquito populations or interrupt the transmission of diseases.

Example: The release of Oxitec’s non-biting male mosquitoes in Djibouti, designed to carry a gene that kills female offspring before they mature, aims to combat malaria by reducing the population of Anopheles stephensi.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

While genetically modified mosquitoes offer new solutions, they also raise concerns about potential impacts on ecosystems and ethical considerations regarding genetic manipulation. Ongoing research and dialogue are essential to address these issues and ensure safe and effective implementation.

What are your thoughts on the use of genetic engineering to control mosquito populations? Share your opinions in the comments!

Mosquitoes, though tiny, have a huge impact on global health and ecosystems. Understanding their biology, role in disease transmission, and methods of control can help in developing effective strategies to mitigate their negative effects.

Malaria is a deadly disease that kills at least 600,000 people every year globally. Nine in 10 of all deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Do you believe that genetically modified mosquitoes could be the future of malaria control in Africa? Why or why not?

Leave your answers and thoughts in the comment section below!
